Accessing files on the site
We are committed to making the POGG Exhibition Web Site fully accessible to the public, including people with disabilities or technical constraints (such as older browsers and low speed Internet connections). In order to achieve this we endeavour to keep the site at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Level A conformance rating for accessibility. Documents which are sometimes displayed on the site in PDF format alone are able to be obtained in more accessible formats by requesting such from the relevant contact on the particular page. Any problems locating suitable formats should be directed to the Parliamentary Web Manager.
The Parliament of Australia Web Site is regularly tested for accessibility and all new website contracts include accessibility as a key performance measure.
Comments on the accessibility of the Parliament of Australia Web Site are welcome and can be sent by email to the Parliamentary Web Manager.
In particular, if you are having a problem accessing the site, please let us know.
Comments may also be submitted in writing to:
Parliamentary Web Manager
Parliamentary Library
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600